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Mactron is The Audited Supplier from Made-In-China

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Home > Careers


We offer the opportunity to become part of a technologically evolved multinational reality, which requires much competence, skill and professional behaviour. Ours is a dynamic and young environment which pays great attention to the quality and development of Human Resources by continually and systematically investing in them. It is characterised by a very high education level and an average employee age of around 30.

The main principles of Human Resources Management are:
- Improvement of personal and professional skills (employability).
- Team work as a winning way for competing in a world-wide market.
- Recognition of professional merits and contributions.
- Loyalty, clarity and fairness in the relationship between person and company.


Who we are looking for:

Our company is interested either in graduates or students about to graduate in Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computing Engineering, Sales Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or Computer Science, as well as experienced personnel with a solid educational base and knowledge of at least one foreign language (English). For new personnel specific entrance activities are foreseen, with dedicated educational programs and on-the-job training. Our company is also interested in providing stages and/or university thesis work.